21 April, 2016

Activities News

The fourth Ítaca Festival will take place from 29th May to 3rd of July.  The Corsari Negre was chosen as the place to present the festival programme, in order to have the fabulous backdrop of the Medes Islands.

Artists like Ramon Mirabet, bands from Torroella, Acció and Tingladu, and a final performance from the Oques Grasses all came aboard our great pirate ship. The main attraction of the festival will be the Argentinian musician, Andrés Calamaro who will close the festival with a single concert on the Costa Brava.

The Ítaca Festival has been filling different towns in Empordà for four years now with the best music and using very special tickets – apples! – in order to avoid the excessive 21% VAT on culture. This year, Estartit has a prominent place in the programme, because on the Verbena de San Juan (evening of 23rd June), the Oques Grasses will give a free and popular concert with the Medes Islands as a backdrop.

We are hugely grateful to the Ítaca Festival for placing their trust in us for the presentation of the festival programme this year. We are surrounded by music!


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